Self-Care for Caregivers
Self-Care for Caregivers
Self-care for caregivers is a crucial aspect of maintaining their well-being...
What's Your 2020 Vision?
What's Your 2020 Vision?
As I look through my Facebook feed I see lots of people reflecting on the past...
Is your house lying down?
Is your house lying down?
This post is by guest blogger, Laurel Vespi, chief guru at stone circle...
Embracing the Unplanned:
Embracing the Unplanned:
During a recent podcast interview, I found myself pondering a question I had...
If not now – when?
If not now – when?
I think my entrepreneurial spirit has always been there although it definitely...
Getting Real
Getting Real
Usually it is January 1 that people try to lose weight or start
a new...