Sizzling at 60... not just hot flashes
Today’s my 60th birthday. I am sitting by the pool at our hotel on the island of Korcula Croatia. I choose to do an 8 day bike tour through Croatia to celebrate this birthday.
So much about me has changed in the last 10 years. At 50 I launched a new business, Fabulous@50. I worked so hard building this movement for women 40 plus. It is all about following your heart, stepping out with my mantra of “if not now, when?
I still feel that way, as I am not a procrastinator. I want to live a life of no regrets, how about you?
I have always wanted to do a bike trip, so here I am. I have to admit, it has stretched me beyond my limits several times. I have had to tap out a few times, but I am still here, enjoying the challenges, but also knowing my limits. Proud of myself and humbled as well. There are several people on my tour who are similar age and are way fitter than I am. Humbling...
The question is, do I try to ride to their level or be happy and proud of my accomplishments. Both I guess...
In 1999, I had major back surgery, limiting me to doing very little back then. So for me, I am proud that I have got to this place. But there is still a little competitive edge to get better, maybe that will never go away.
A big thank you to Orange Theory, especially my coach Sandi. I would not have been able to do this without the tough workouts you have Coached us through. Thank you to all my friends who supported me so I could do this trip.
No longer Fabulous@50. how about Sizzling @60?
Dianna Bowes is the founder of Fabulous@50. The author of The Fabulous@50 Re-Experience,an artist, mom to Amber and David and wife to John.