Fabulous at 50, Changing the Ageing Narrative - Death
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Who is your hero? Who is your hero?

Who is your hero?

In the days of old a hero was someone who fought the enemy, someone who stepped...
People Don't Change So Stop Trying So Hard People Don't Change So Stop Trying So Hard

People Don't Change So Stop Trying So Hard

People come to me with a desire to ‘change’. They are shocked when I...
Summertime - Did You Make the Most of It? Summertime - Did You Make the Most of It?

Summertime - Did You Make the Most of It?

I don’t know about you, but I look forward to summer with such...
12 Lessons on Leaving a Relationship 12 Lessons on Leaving a Relationship

12 Lessons on Leaving a Relationship

A breakup or a divorce can make you feel as if your entire world has come...
Food, Fat and Fatigue - Getting Real Part 3 Food, Fat and Fatigue - Getting Real Part 3

Food, Fat and Fatigue - Getting Real Part 3

The test of any diet or eating program is going on a vacation. My husband and I...
The Healing Harmonies: Exploring the Benefits of Sound Baths... The Healing Harmonies: Exploring the Benefits of Sound Baths...

The Healing Harmonies: Exploring the Benefits of Sound Baths...

In today's fast-paced world, where stress and anxiety seem to be constants,...
If not now – when? If not now – when?

If not now – when?

I think my entrepreneurial spirit has always been there although it definitely...
Hostessing Paris CMG Fashion Show Hostessing Paris CMG Fashion Show

Hostessing Paris CMG Fashion Show

I have always had the passion and desire to model and hostess fashion...
Getting Real Getting Real

Getting Real

Usually it is January 1 that people try to lose weight or start  a new...
Eat a Rainbow a Day for Vibrant Health Eat a Rainbow a Day for Vibrant Health

Eat a Rainbow a Day for Vibrant Health

In the world of nutrition, the phrase "Eat a rainbow a day" has gained...




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