Celebrate Mothering
To all the fabulous women in our community who:
... Have a mother
... Are a mother
... Have ever been or had a mothering figure
Happy Mother's Day 2020
Cheers to Mothering!!!
Let's all remember to nurture ourself as well, so we can give from our overflow.
"A fabulous woman knows she needs to fill her own cup first."
This is a quote that Dianne put on bookmarks to remind us that self care is important.
I believe that part of self care is the ability to both generously give and graciously recieve. This beautiful cycle of reciprocity is so often broken or blocked because we simply have not been taught that both are equally valuable and necessary.
On this fine (ok, it actually has turned rather cold and blustery here) Mother's Day Sunday, may the greatest gift you give yourself is a few minutes to reflect on how the incredible women in your life have been motherly and nurturing to you and ackowledge yourself for the times you have been nurturing to others. You have likely impacted their life far greater than you might imagine. When love and appreciation is shown, say thank you, smile and let it soak in. If you have the tendency to wave off a complement.... Stop! Drink it in, you deserve it. Say thank you. You will fill both your heart and theirs when you do.
Today, let's celebrate those mothering and nurturing moments that enrich our lives.