Fertilizing your Relationships
I love to garden! Even though I don't have a big garden, I have a few pots with tomatoes and flowers. I love when I see the little yellow flowers bloom and the fruit begin to grow. I water them, talk to them and make sure they get fertilized every few weeks. Much like your garden your relationships also need nurturing and fertilizing. It is easy to just do what you need to by letting nature take its course. But sometimes it does not rain enough or a storm comes and we need to take extra care. We cover them up so the hail or wind does not damage the tender leaves. But if you fertilize them, pinch the unneeded greenery and make sure to have them in the sun, you will be blessed with a wonderful bounty of delicious tomatoes. This is what happens in relationships too, we get complacent and forget to do the extras.
In a relationship or in friendships, we also need to to nurture and fertilize. Fertilize may mean to go out of your way to help out. Helping with a move like my husband did last week last week or just having a ear when they need to talk.
Last week I met up with a group of friends from high school. Over 40 years ago we spent many evenings and weekends together at basketball games and parties. They were all cheerleaders and I was a tag along.
Breakup to Breakdowns

Our evening went from laughter to tears, talking about everything from family, loses, health issues and grand babies. We talked about aging, travel, the breakups and breakdowns. So many changes, yet here we sat, just like the girls in the hallway at Victoria Composite. And when it was time to order dessert, we all salivated with the memory of the delicious cinnamon buns at the school cafeteria that we would stand in line for. I could almost smell them.
I know I have changed over these 40 plus years, yet I know I am still so much the same.
Take the time to look around, and see when the last time you fertilized your precious relationships, it will be worth it. Make your garden even more beautiful than it is, with just a little more care and love.
Dianna Bowes is the creative director of Fabulous@50 and editor of Be Fabulous!