Time to Celebrate
Birthday, anniversaries, achievements at work, losing weight...these are some of the events we may celebrate. But how do we celebrate them? In most cases with food, a great meal with our loved ones. I love it! But let’s take food off the table right now... a little pun. What are some other ways to celebrate our wins?
I am working with Shonda Holt Functional Nutrition Practitioner (Nourishing Yourself) on making some big changes to my diet and health. I have been at it for 4 months, and have learned so much. I have made some big shifts and continue to test myself. I have removed foods that I have eaten for a life time, because of digestive issues and that are just not serving me any more. And I have added delicious green smoothies and chia, something I had not even heard of before. I have also started doing 24 hour fasts, which I thought would be hard, but makes me feel great.
So when Shonda said to me, I want you to celebrate how great you are doing, of course the first thing I thought of was.... fooooood. She suggested I do something for myself.
So here are my choices for celebrating me.
• Massage
• Facial
• Pedicure
• Go to museum
• Go to a movie
• Buy myself flowers
• Get my hair done
• Go for a long walk in a beautiful setting
• Spend time with someone I adore
What are some ways you celebrate you and your successes?
If you would like a complimentary session with Shonda Holt, click here and sign up.
Dianna Bowes is the creative director of Fabulous@50 and editor of Be Fabulous!