Aim for Fabulous in 2015.
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Aim for Fabulous in 2015.
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Aim for Fabulous in 2015.

2014 was an amazing year for Fabulous @50. We organized 4 tradeshows, over 40 meetups, produced 2 Be fabulous! Magazines, 18 newsletters, won 3 awards and expanded into 2 new communities - Victoria and Calgary. This is worth celebrating! But what really counts are the relationships that have been built and strengthened this year. If I didn't have friends and family to share this with, it would not mean nearly as much.

I could not do all of this without the support of my friends and family. My husband John backs me with everything, my daughter Amber is my sounding post and helps in so many areas. I even had the help of my daughter-in-laws, from admin work to shooting of our new video, we have so much talent in this family. I have added an assistant to the team too. I can't believe this took me so long. Jade has saved me countless hours, giving me time to focus on other projects. Kyla Steinke, jumped on board to help with the planning of our Grande Prairie and Red Deer shows and with the help of my BFF Sharon Pandza and my husband John, I made it through 3 shows in November. I could not have done it without them.

I get asked, how do I create the energy at the Fabulous@50 Experience? It is the people, the connection, everyone feels part of it. We are a team...all of us, the speakers, volunteers, the exhibitors, sponsors, the venue and suppliers and of course, our guests. It is like a big jigsaw puzzle, it has many pieces, takes numerous hours putting it together, to make it work and a piece of art.

A special thank you to True Balance Medical Spa and Lexus and all my other sponsors for believing in me. These are great businesses run by great people.

The Fabulous@50 members help me throughout the year by volunteering at the big trade show in Edmonton and the meetups throughout the year. I have some wonderful ladies who have stepped up as leaders by running events for the Fabulous@50 meetup groups. Susan Drover, Sue Paulson, Carla Janzen, Adonica Albert and Bonita Lehmann, all give their time and talents to run events for us. Thanks ladies.

Then of course, I celebrate my friends. I call them my brick wall, these are my friends who cheer me on and protect me. How do you thank people for being champions? I am so blessed. @debrakasowski, @pamrobertson, @shirleyborrelli, @laurelvespi, @jodibblee, @raeannwoodschatz, @suepaulson, @kellyfalardeau, @zandrabell, @sharonpandza, @melodiestewart, @marianakonsolos, @bonniejeanmcallister, @charmainehammond, @kimberges, @lorettafriedrich, @joannenewenduk, @anniechristina and so many others.

Winning the Stevie award, in the " Women Helping Women" category, was so exciting for me. As this is what I want Fab@50 to be all about, and I cannot do it myself. I am so grateful for all of these brilliant women who step forward to support me and our members. We also won a gold for "Best Event" category.

When is started I did not have all the answers. All I had was an idea and a vision of creating something to inspire, educate and empower women. I have gone off the path several times, been discouraged and bruised hundreds of times, but I always come back to where my heart meets my is simple, it is about people.

Seasoned women, as I like to call us, have so much to give and now is the time to explore it. Is there something that you have put aside to raise your family or your career? My message has always been, "if not now when? It is your time. This is the time to step out of your comfort zone or caged existence and move into your zone of genius. it takes courage, but I know you can do it. We are here for support, we have an excellent team of coaches available through our Diamond membership, and a cheering squad if you need it. All you have to do is take action.

Feel free to share this mantra " I embrace abundance, success, health and love and inspire others to do the same."
Gay Hendricks - Upper Limit.

When a women says to me, Fabulous@50 is exactly what I have been looking for. When one of my members says, I am writing a book, creating a workshop, planning the trip of my dreams or doing something I have always wanted to do, it fills my heart. The awards are appreciated, but it is when I see that little flickering light in the eyes of the Fabulous@50 ladies, then I know why I continue to do this work.

2015, is going to bring some new opportunities for myself and my members. I will be focusing on several new exciting projects, most in the planning stages, so stay tuned! 2015 is going to be great!

Mark your calendars for the Fabulous @50 Experience on Sat, November 7 at the River Cree.

My personal intentions for 2015 are to:
Aim, (being focused on my goals)
Alive (being joyful, relaxed, and present)
Active (being healthy and fit)

Be courageous, be fabulous, be is your time! Let's leave nothing on the table of regrets.

Fabulously yours,
Dianna Bowes




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