What's Your 2020 Vision?
What's Your 2020 Vision?
As I look through my Facebook feed I see lots of people reflecting on the past...
Earl Grey Martini
Earl Grey Martini
Infusing spirits with herbs, fruit, tea and other flavorings is a great way to...
Who is your hero?
Who is your hero?
In the days of old a hero was someone who fought the enemy, someone who stepped...
Time to Celebrate
Time to Celebrate
Birthday, anniversaries, achievements at work, losing weight...these are some of...
Getting Real
Getting Real
Usually it is January 1 that people try to lose weight or start
a new...
Is your house lying down?
Is your house lying down?
This post is by guest blogger, Laurel Vespi, chief guru at stone circle...
Self-Care for Caregivers
Self-Care for Caregivers
Self-care for caregivers is a crucial aspect of maintaining their well-being...