Stretch that comfort zone!
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Stretch that comfort zone!

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Stretch that comfort zone!

One of the things I say on a regular basis is "Stretch, do something you are uncomfortable doing." I started this practice about 10 years ago, and as hard as it is to step out of that comfortie place on the sofa, I am given the opportunity to participate doing this on a regular basis. This year I have already got myself into (I mean agreed to do a few interesting challenges) LOL.

Yesterday I had the privilege to speak to a group of seniors about Fabulous at 50. When Kayla (the co-ordinator) contacted me about speaking, I tried to think of several reasons not to do it. The demographic was wrong, I am not a public speaker, it is too far....blah, blah, blah. Then I realized that whatever age you are, the message of living your life to the fullest, is a message for everyone, regardless of age or sex. Just like the slinky we played with as girls, the first step is the scariest.

One of the things I know about myself is that I am great with seniors, probably because I was brought up by my grandparents. I decided early in the talk to share the details of my childhood to build some repoir. Only one man fell asleep, but the most interesting thing happened. A man that rarely speaks, was asking me questions, sharing books he had read with me. He told me about his upbringing, his Hungarian heritage and his recent trip to India. He spoke to my daughter about her travels in Australia and New Zealand, and was really interested in my entire talk. He also shared that his wife was recovering from cancer and was very positive of her recovery.

There is a statistic that claims that only 2% of people will take action or are action takers. I think this man was of the 2%, and that is probably why he didn't really have much of a relationship with the other seniors. I often say to my Fabulous@50 group and pretty much anyone I have a chance to, if you have a dream or desire and do not take action in your 50's or younger, unfortunately you may never do it. Our energy level drops, our risk tolerance changes and it just gets easier to settle for the norm.

Don't get me wrong, I am not saying everyone should run out an start a business, start a speaking career... as long as you are happy doing what you are doing and not stuck in a rut. The rut looks the same whatever age you are, it just gets deeper if you don't climb out.

But many seniors are depressed and the main reason I believe is that the stop exploring, learning and being excited about opportunities. They focus so much on themselves, their health, their age and forget that they have so much to offer the world. So much wisdom to share with their family and community.

Mary Kay (the founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics) and Jean Pare (The Best of Bridge Cookbook author) are both women who made a name for themselves in their 50's.

My demographic I deal with is primarily women 40-60, so it was a surprise that a gentlemen in his 70's would be interested in my ideas around the use of time and having a purpose.I guess the lesson for me is, there is always an opportunity to make a difference, even it it is having a great conversation with an interesting person.

My next challenge is speaking at an upcoming conference about marketing their businesses through trade shows. I have some work to do! Wish me luck.

Fabulously yours,
Dianna Bowes

Dianna is the founder and CEO of Fabulous at 50. Fabulous at 50 is a community for women 40-60, with online and community membership, a fabulous website, tradeshows and the Be Fabulous! magazine.




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