My Hero, Wayne Dyer
My love of Wayne Dyer started in 1998 when I was sent a set of tapes (yes I said tapes) about Manifesting Your Destiny. I had just gone through a major back surgery, and did not have much to do but read, watch TV and listen to music or tapes. And there is only so much I can take when it comes to daytime TV. My sister-in-law, in her infinite wisdow, knew I was going through tough times and sent me the tapes from California.
This was a time where not only was a physically challenged, but I was financially and emotionally stressed to the max. I was on the brink of losing my home, my marriage, didn't have a job or a car or any strength to save any of it. Yet, strangely, I was very calm. I believe it was to from listening to this tapes, for hours a day, over and over.
I did have to move, I did get divorced, a car was manifested as well as the best paying job I ever had. My strength grew everyday and even though I had to wear a backbrace for months, I enjoyed my life and kids.
I still listen to Wayne Dyer, I always find something relevant to what is going on in my life, he makes me laugh, and he just makes sense to me. I usually listen to him while I am working out, much different than the first time, when I could hardly stand up long enough to get to the bathroom.
I am also really excited because I am going to Vancouver to see Wayne. I am manifesting a photo opportunity with him. Wish me luck!!!
Fabulously Yours, Dianna
Anything you really want, you can attain, if you really go after it.
Wayne Dyer