Spring...A Time for Gratitude
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Spring...A Time for Gratitude

Spring...A Time for Gratitude
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Spring...A Time for Gratitude

Spring is one of the times of year I find tough. I know for most people, it is a time they look forward to after the long winter. I find it an odd time filled with all types of feeling and emotions. For many years spring was a crazy time for me, running my son to hockey finals and baseball tryouts and spending endless hours at my daughters dance competitions and recitals. So much stress and pressure to be everywhere at once. As a single mom, this consumed my time and energy, and I have to say I miss those days. But now that I don't have those distractions, the smell of spring brings blasts of memories. Memories of a spring wedding many years ago and then the next year of sadness and grieving. My first husband Larry and I were married in April 1979 and he died 10 days before our first anniversary in 1980. This was the worst time of my life, yet also an incredible time of awareness and strength for me. The memory of that time so long ago lingers in the background until something else happens. 

A couple of weeks ago, my husband went skiing and had a very serious fall that almost ended his life. The intensity of the situation brought back such strong memories. I have found over my lifetime, that in extreme situations, I have a sense of calmness that shows up after the initial shock of course. 

The conditions of both my husbands accidents were similar in so many ways, both men left in the morning, a beautiful spring morning, and then I ended up at the U of A Hospital in the Burn Treatment Unit/Critical Care. The end results were different, as John pulled through, but the sensations my body went through were so similar. Shock, disbelief and then total surrender. In the end, we have no control and we just have to trust that what needs to be done is being done. And pray....

These are opportunities for us to be grateful for what we have right in this moment. It is very easy to fall into a victim attitude, but staying planted in love instead of fear is much more productive. I guess it isn't an accident that I just designed a gratitude journal too, which I am using faithfully. 

I want to thank all my Fabulous at 50 friends for reaching out with prayers, hugs and gestures of kindness and thoughts. It really does make a difference. John is on the mend, and I am so grateful for all the doctors, surgeons, nurses and staff at U of A, Grey Nuns Hospitals and Stars Ambulance.

I have a pen holder on my desk that I read every day, I would love to share it with you.

The essence of destiny: Watch your thoughts for they become words. Choose your words for they become actions. Understand your actions for they become habit. Study your habits for they become your character. Develop your character for it becomes your destiny.

Dianna Bowes is the founder of Fabulous of50 and the editor of Be Fabulous! Magazine.Dianna Bowes - Founder of Fabulous@50
Dianna was the winner of the 2011 YWCA Women of Distinction Award in the Turning Point category. She is a creative soul, who loves connecting people and embracing life. And loves to ride the Edmonton River Valley. 





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Lori Mitchell

I was shocked when I read about John in your blog. I can't imagine what you've both been through the past couple of weeks. Glad to hear he's on the mend. Take care you two xo


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