The Art of Journaling and Meditation
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The Art of Journaling and Meditation

The Art of Journaling and Meditation
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The Art of Journaling and Meditation

Journaling can be used for problem solving and stress reduction. It’s been proven to improve mental and physical health. It can lead to increased self esteem. Meditation is a practice in which individuals train the mind or induce a mode of consciousness, either to realize some benefit or as an end to itself.

What if we realized there is an art to both and putting them together is a unique spiritual practice.

There is no right or wrong. What works for you to help you get closer to spirit, becomes “your” spiritual practice, the end result is you are grounded and living a life of mindfulness.

Let’s begin by asking yourself, what are you passionate about? Why? When you think of this, how do you feel inside? That deep rooted feeling you have inside, how can we transfer that to another area of your life?

The first thing that comes to mind, for me, is my beautiful granddaughter. Why, she is pure, innocent and untainted by the world. She lives her life knowing love is all around her. She knows no fear. She is beautiful and free. How can I transfer that beauty and freedom into my everyday life… well that is the ultimate question? How do we free our mind to choose love, not fear. What I would like to share with you is just the beginning of the Art of Journaling and Meditation to help you begin your journey.

Have you ever just sat there and doodled on a paper, not really thinking of anything, or maybe thinking over everything. Well your journey has begun. We all journal in different ways and have different modalities. So let’s commit…next time you are out, make the investment in yourself to purchase yourself a journal book…blank pages and all. It doesn’t have to be expensive or perfect, it just has to give you a means to write, doodle, color or just stare at it. It is yours! Find that special pen that is yours alone. Maybe it is a pencil so you can erase, maybe it is pink or purple. What speaks to you?

This is where you begin. These simple little tools are yours alone to record your private thoughts….There is no right or wrong. You can share, write, speak, yell, perform, cry, draw, color, laugh, be silly and most of all just be. These are your words, your drawings, your truths! As you are taking the time to honor you, you are meditating. Just like that!

MMMM…what do we do if we are stuck…Well my next section is on different types of meditation and journaling.

One of my favorite ways to get unstuck, it to put on a drumming CD (or for some others, meditation music or guided mediation)…I close my eyes, listen to the drums (or music) and a picture will form in my mind, and I start writing about the picture forming. There is no right or wrong. There just is… Or another favorite modality is to find that special picture that speaks to you. Maybe it is personal picture, maybe in a magazine, maybe it is a memory. What do you see…remember, feel and just start writing. Maybe it is a special person you are thinking about. What are you thinking? You don’t get extra points for spelling or grammar. These are your private thoughts. Now let’s have some more fun. How about some favorite writing prompts …

  • My most embarrassing moment was…
  •  I wish I was six again so I could…
  • What is something you absolutely sure you will never forget…
  • List the things you will never do again…
  • Share 10 things on your bucket list and why they are important to you…
  • My personal mission statement…
  • “I bet you have something to say about this”…
  • Describe an event that has changed your life forever…
  • Pretend you have the power to stop time…what would you do…
  •  You return home from work to find a Dear John letter on your kitchen table. Oddly enough, it’s
    from one of your favorite pieces of furniture. What does the letter say?...

So you see, the list can be endless and get you thinking, laughing and writing. And while you are
participating in all these emotions, you are meditating. Life can become clearer through thought,
laughter, written words, art and just changing the way you think. The more you write and express,
the more clear you will be about your situation. Another great way to get me in the mood to write and meditate is to pull a card from one of my Oracle Decks, or Tarot Decks….I take time to read the message, study the art on the card, and away I go. I can get lost in my thoughts and my words, knowing the answer is within me. What do I do if I just don’t feel like writing? And believe me, that does happen. Another favorite type of mediation is to express my feelings though color…The Art of Mandala…. Mandala Coloring Books can be purchased throughout Edmonton, or printed off the Internet. This is a way to quiet your mind and let your imagination run wild. Always knowing the answer is within you, and this may be your way to reach what you need to know Your journey is beautiful and precious. It deserves to be written, drawn, sung, danced and celebrated. As you take the time to honor the goddess in you, know I stand behind you ten fold. Take time to remember the goodness, the sadness, the joys and the sorrow. Take time to honor the little girl
in you. Tell her everything she needed to hear all those years ago. Share what you know to be true. Tell her funny stories and make her laugh. Breathe in all the love you can, and release the fear. There is no right or wrong to connect with yourself. There just is. 

My name is Debbie Jackman and I am a 52 year old, three time stroke survivor and mother of 7, nana of one.
I know first hand, this one spiritual practice will lead you into a whole new dimension. Your words need to be shared...if only with yourself. They need to be celebrated with love and strength! Believe in yourself! Love Yourself! Know you are one with all that is!!!
Namaste and Blessings
My Friends




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