Life lessons in the ordinary
Life lessons in the ordinary
The last few week's has been filled with numerous opportunities for growth and self discovery....will it ever stop. The answer to that is a big NO. There is a life lesson at every corner.
My sister-in-law Connie is in town, moving her husband's mother out of her cozy home and into a senior's home. It is such a tough time for everyone. This feisty lady is 90 years old and is still very witty, she cracked me up. She made a comment that everyone at this senior's home was so old and told us she should look for a millionaire boyfriend. Her body may be old, but her spirit is still young and feisty.
While I was there, I began to picture myself sitting in that wheelchair as an old woman. All my ego gone, relying on others for my care. Will I feel I had lived my life to the fullest, had I made a difference to someone, did I share my gifts and live my dreams. See where I am going with this. Mrs. Walker raised two sons, had a long marriage, traveled the world, golfed, loved nice things. I guess only she could tell you if she feels she has any regrets about how she lived or didn't live her life. What a gift that day was for me...
Fabulously Yours,
Dianna Bowes
Founder of Fabulous@50