Choosing Fabulous
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Choosing Fabulous

Choosing Fabulous
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Choosing Fabulous

There is nothing more fabulous to me than a beautiful sunset… unless of course it is a tropical sunset.  If you have ever had the privilege of seeing one, you will know what I mean.  I love sunsets because they always cause me to pause and take note of the beauty in my life.  I will literally drop everything to run to the vantage point to watch this wondrous event before returning to the tasks at hand. I recently watched several fabulous sunsets and, as I did, I reflected on the amazing journey that I have been on for the past few years.  It has been one of true transformation.  It has been one during which I have chosen Fabulous.

I was first introduced to Dianna Bowes and her brainchild, Fabulous@50, in the spring of 2014. I was instantly drawn to the concept of a community of women aspiring to feel Fabulous at 50 and beyond.   Although the brand name was new to me, the process was not.  As it happens, I have been choosing to live my life FABULOUSLY for several years.  

In 2008 a major life event rocked me to my core and sent all I held dear into question.  At the time, it felt as if my worst fears had come true. In retrospect, I now see it as a blessing and the catalyst to truly embracing a Fabulous life.  Bit by bit, through a sequence of events, friendships, workshops, and amazing opportunities, I shed “old habits” or as my dear friend Jo Dibblee would say in her book, Frock Off “Frocks”, that held me back and kept me from joy.  I shed “frocks” of fear, sadness, aloneness, hurt, embarrassment, the “supermom syndrome”, and the “I must be strong for everyone else syndrome.” I had constructed a strength that was both brittle and fragile.  I honour many of these frocks, as they served me well, but it was time for a new wardrobe.

Just as we clear our closets of old clothes that no longer fit or suit us, we must take a look at our emotional closet and clear that out too.  Some long held behaviours are old and frayed and need to be removed, while others serve a purpose but need to be updated.  The expression of confidence is a wise one to don, as long as we have updated and identified how we express confidence in the here and now.  

My new “wardrobe” started with a set of basics: daily gratitude; generosity to myself and others; and a celebration of everything in my life. I had a deep sense of who I wanted to be, and I would soon find out how this would manifest.

I started to live a life I will now call Fabulous:
…  it means knowing joy as my most comfortable state of being.
… it means having had the courage to return to university to reclaim my RN status,  an arduous, two-year journey filled with incredible rewards.  I increased my confidence; I renewed my love of learning; and I was blessed with the support of family and friends cheering me on.  
… it means having opened my heart to co-create a relationship built on mutual love, respect, and support. I cherish it beyond measure and love that it’s filled with fun, adventure, and wink wink. 
… it means feeling my heart filled with joy as I watch my children grow into amazing, unique individuals, knowing I’ve had a part in their growth and them in mine.
… it means I have learned to generously give and to graciously receive.
… it means not holding back on my dreams; indeed, it means to dream.

Each day I choose to live my life in a way that feels Fabulous to me.  Now, a year later, I step out into a new exciting venture of leading Fabulous@50 Calgary.  Nothing would make my heart smile more than to help Empower, Educate and Inspire other women to choose FABULOUS …at any age. 

You’ll want to be part of this wonderful community.  New beginnings start Sunday May 3, 2015.

Joanne NewedukJoanne Neweduk is the Director and Community leader for Fabulous at 50 Calgary. She is a mother of three young adults, a certified life coach, and facilitator. She has a background in oncology nursing and has recently updated her nursing skills through Grant MacEwan University. Joanne has a decades long involvement with volunteerism, event planning, and is currently the president of a humanitarian charity, Medical Mercy Canada. She is enthusiastic with every endeavour she takes on and derives great joy from collaborating with others and creating new adventures. Fabulous@50 is her latest new adventure. 





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