Be, Do, Have...designing your life consciously
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Be, Do, Have...designing your life consciously

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Be, Do, Have...designing your life consciously

Often people attempt to live their lives backwards: they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want so that they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then,do what you need to do,in order to have what you want. 

Margaret Young

Dianna BowesThis time of year is when everything rev's up, not just for me but it seems to be everyone. I work on my trade show and magazine all summer struggling to get people to answer my calls because it is summer, then September hits and everyone gets going in a panic. All the things they have pushed aside all summer become emergencies in September. 

One of places to ground myself and recharge is Vancouver Island. I visit 3 or 4 times a year for a few days and come back home feeling revived and relaxed. The place I stay has a wonderful library that I have full access to and I enjoy many hours snuggled up on the leather sofa reading for hours into the night and on a rainy day. Plus hours of walking along the ocean just being happy.

Books jump out at me to read and this trip, Simple Abundance landed in my hands. It was this book that changed the way I looked at the world and my life many years ago. And here it was again. I turned to the October 1st chapter, "Recognizing Burnout Before You're Charred." I have been to this charred place so many times and in full burnout at least 3 or 4 times.

(Photo of Dianna Bowes (me) walking the seaside trail in Victoria. B.C)

Have you ever felt that you are in a place where no one else can help you? The truth is, there is no one, you are the only one, you have to set your boundaries, recognize your limitations and slow down, and take another path. 

Brendan Burchard

High Performance AcademyI had the privilege of going to Brendan Burchard’s High Performance Academy in October. He is one of most authentic, high energy people I have ever met. Brendan taught us how he stays so energized, even with a very busy schedule. We have been told over and over what to do, yet we are in resistance to actually doing them. Clean food, 8-9 hours of sleep, daily exercise, vitamins and supplement, lots of water, I mean lots. Pretty simple, yes it is, but consistency is the key.  

Organizing the November trade show is very stressful, and if I do not look after my needs I will fall into full burn out. I have people in my life who are always making comments on how busy I am. Yes I am busy, some times more than others, but I make time for a bike ride in the river valley, lunch with my daughter, a random coffee with a friend or to just hang out and sip wine with my husband in our beautiful back yard. 

(Photo of Debra Kasowski and Dianna Bowes (me) enjoying some sun in California at the Brendan Burchard Conference.

I don't  find the same satisfaction from being the confessed busy person I used to. I am home more than ever in my life and give myself what I need to be happy and productive. For me that consists of being with the people I love, moving my body and having lots of quiet time to hear my creative muse speak.

Your body is a miracle

Our bodies are a wonderful miracle, they know what we need, we just need to work on our ability to hear the signals. And that is where being our authentic self comes in.  Do you need 8 hours of sleep, but only allow yourself 6 because you would feel lazy or unproductive if you slept longer. I can tell you, I am a much happier and productive person now because I embraced the fact that I need at least 8 hours of sleep. 

Listen to your soul, is your life out of balance, if so, it is you that needs to change it. Fill your own cup ladies, and then you will have the energy to be there for everyone else who needs you. Don't wait until you are so sick you have to make a change, make a conscious choice to do it now. If not now, when.

I would love to hear how you look after yourself.

Dianna Bowes: Founder of Fabulous@50, editor of Be Fabulous! magazine.and winner of the 2011 YWCA Women of Distinction Award.To contact Dianna,




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