Uncover Your Fabulousness
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Uncover Your Fabulousness
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Uncover Your Fabulousness

Becoming a woman of a certain age brings sweeping thoughts and emotions of trepidation while at the same time, a sense of accomplishment.  Add to that, past experiences and messages that moulded and shaped our world-views, determines how we arrive at this unique moment of female-dom.

One thing is certain; we are here, in this moment, full of life and brimming. We've run the gamut on relationships, love, loss, children, career ups and downs, triumphs and disappointments and despite all of it; we're still proudly standing.

And then it begins.

The sensing for something more, the soft whisper, slowly awakening your awareness to that beautiful, almost wild side of you long forgotten. Do you notice its soft utterances in its attempt to catch your attention?

That whisper is you.  The powerful, fabulous side of you, shelved years ago, perhaps as early as childhood, is now poking through to capture your notice.  Is it winning or are you pushing it down, perhaps in fear of the unknown or in resistance to change?

Now that we've grown up and finished many of our 'chores', our brilliance is tapping ever so slightly on our heart. In the attempt to answer the call, we do what many do.  We make changes to the outside. New hairdo's, wardrobes, makeovers, cars, homes, the extension of our energy to others, all these and more are our way of answering the whisper. None are wrong. It's simply the beginning of the return to fabulous as we understand it, something that was never lost, only temporarily forgotten.

An interesting phenomenon then occurs. Like the throbbing heart beat described in Edgar Allen Poe's, 'The Tell Tale Heart', the whisper follows you throughout your day, reminding you of the existence of your 'something more'. Insistent, it pokes away at you. Outward attempts stop satisfying its need because what it needs is you.

So, how do you discover your 'something more', your true point of fabulous-ness?

Be still and know.  There is nothing out 'there' in the frenzied world that can tell you who you are.  The magnificent truth of you resides within and the only way to lay claim to it is to go inside and connect.   This type of fabulous can never fade in beauty or grandeur.  It awaits your effort, awareness and love.

As one who teaches others to spiral up their mojo power, I absolutely advocate wellness both inside and out.  Creating health and beauty through nutrition, wardrobe, skin and hair care, and the use of makeup and accessories, add fun and make life colourful and interesting, but don't stop there.  While in your makeover attempts, uncover your fabulousness by answering the call of your whisper, not only will it match everything in your closet, it will add a truly powerful touch to your life.

Pamela Sylvan is a publicist, magazine editor, radio host, speaker and Mojo Maker.  Her passion for teaching and communicating encompasses helping others discover, excavate, clarify and expertly communicate their own inherent mojo power in their personal life or business.





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