My Diva Adventure
My Diva Adventure.

After my 42nd birthday, I found myself single and dating again. Sexy meant a pair of cozy grey sweatpants and an oversize sweatshirt. For the first time in my life I started buying sexy lingerie and exploring my inner diva. But this assignment to call out the inner, inner diva and be photographed was a new experience. Wearing extreme makeup and bustiers with killer stilettos was something I had never done. Being seductive was not a natural thing for me, so I was surprised when Lorena and Amanda brought the vixen in me to the camera lens. Holy, who am I? I didn't look that good at 30. (If you look close you can still see lines around my face, they didn't remove them).
Lorena and Amanda of Ellamae Boudoir Photography are passionate about working with women of all ages, sizes and stages in their lives.
"Combining the blessings of our past training and life experience, we love the challenge and opportunity to translate every woman's unique beauty into amazing artwork."
Alison, my partner in this adventure and I, both walked through the doors wondering how we would stir up our diva selves. Delicious wine, fruit and cheese platters combined with a warm and comfortable studio instantly put us at ease and before we knew what was happening, our street clothes were replaced with bustiers and sexy lingerie, beautiful jewelry and the hottest high heels we have ever seen, never mind worn. Their hairstylist took my normal look and made my hair sexy. The girls added long luscious eyelashes to the makeup and magic happened.
Throughout the day we talked about how hard women are on themselves in the quest for the perfect body and how we judge ourselves so harshly. But inside every woman of every age and body shape is a beauty waiting to be released.
I would love to hear your comments.
Fabulously yours, Dianna
Founder and President of Fabulous@50
Photo taken by Ellamae Photography.