Going with the Flow
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Going with the Flow

Going with the flowWhen I was single and in my 40's, I told my friends, I was looking for a relationship with a nice easy flow, a give and receive relationship, where conflict was not the main event. What I found interesting is how many of my single friends were looking for a partner who challenged them. Don't get me wrong, I wanted a partner who had an opinion, but I was not longer looking for a challenging man to deal with.

Last weekend I was in Canmore for the Folk Fest and decided to duck out  for a nice long walk along the river. As I was standing on a bridge, looking over the railing at the river, I thought of the term " going with the flow".  While I was watching the river, I realized that even when you are going with the flow or with the current, there will still be challenges. There may be a big rock, a fallen branch or something even a little more treacherous, wild water to avoid or deal with. Do you see where I am going with this? Going with the flow will also present us with challenges, obstacles will still show up, but like the river, if you keep moving forward you will get past them. Going with the flow, not longer means to me, that you are just going along with the status quo or that you take the easy way through life. There may be exciting moments as we ride out the whitewater, but then comes the calm water. Do you see the parallels in this scenario?

Do you worry and fret about the challenges or do you enjoy the ride, the scenery and whatever comes with going with the flow. Or are you sitting on the bank of the river, watching life pass you by...

Fabulously yours,

P.S. Make sure to take a paddle with you, so you get around the obstacles, have a great summer.


Dianna Bowes • Founder of Fabulous@50 • Graphic Designer • Artist • Editor of Be Fabulous! Magazine.

Dianna is a strong, passionate and creative baby boomer woman with a life full of experiences that she could write several books on and maybe will one day. Dianna had the honor of winning the 2011 YWCA Women of Distinction "Turning Point Award" and top fundraisers at the 2011 Suit Yourself High Tea. dianna@fabulousat50.com






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