February 2019 Fabulous at 50 Newsletter
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February 2019 Fabulous at 50 Newsletter
Super Kelly 1883

February 2019 Fabulous at 50 Newsletter

Dianna wanted this posted. Thank you Dianna for the honor. Please note this is from Feb 2019.

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Welcome to 2019!
A Year of New Beginnings and Connections!
Hello Ladies!!!!!

Welcome to the First Newsletter of 2019. (I apologize in advance that it is a little longer this month so please be patient and read to the end. Good things there!)

I am VERY EXCITED to be your new 2019 Edmonton Fabulous at 50 Director and am looking forward to each and every connection and event we will share in this year!

As you know, Fabulous at 50 was founded by the amazing and  and her vision has always been about bringing a community of women together to create a safe place to grow and inspire each other and to create a heart-based community dedicated to supporting mature women from all walks of life.

I am a heart-centered woman who believes 100% in Dianna's Vision and Mission!

I know many of us have experienced that vision of grace, the dignity, the love, the laughter, the heart-centered community, and the sisterhood of Fabulous at 50 Women, Baby Boomer or not! And if you are new- BE PREPARED to be empowered, enlightened, and enchanted this year!

Why I Love and Believe in Fabulous at 50!

I absolutely love the Core Values of Fab@50 and realized that there is an amazing Community of Edmonton (and Surrounding Areas) Women who inspire and share their gifts and talents with others to make huge differences in their communities. I have always loved the Fabulous at 50 Community of beautiful women!
• Compassion • Empowerment • Community • Fun • Gratitude
When I was asked to become Director of Edmonton, I leapt at the chance with a resounding YES! A SCARY leap for sure but one I will do my very best to embrace with graciousness and honor. While I know I have big shoes to fill, I know that Dianna has successfully paved the path for all her Directors and teams so that we can flourish in our own gifts and talents while wearing our own Fabulous Shoes to walk alongside each and everyone of you! A True Mentor! A true blessing!

Ladies, one of my passionate beliefs is that I believe it is never too late to follow your dreams and find your purpose, your passions and to take them out to the world so others can benefit. I believe there is so much hidden potential out there that is awaiting to burst forth and know that Fab@50 events and connections will help to bring that Shine!

I also feel that we are so powerful collectively and that together we can all begin to use our wisdom, talents and natural gifts to help make a better, kinder world. It can be a gentle word, a kind gesture, a listening ear, a moment of sharing and caring, an act of service, a helping hand, a mentoring, a coaching, a book club, a coffee date, nature walk with friends, etc. that will begin to create that shift.
We Need You to Become One of our Ambassadors of Change!
As Fabulous at 50 Women, we are the change the world needs-beginning in our own communities! I look forward to walking this journey with each and everyone and to experience your magic!

This year we have a strong theme!
Kindness-Connection-Community-Collaboration and FUN!!!!
Can you feel the magic begin?
In conclusion, I feel so blessed to step into this role that has been bestowed upon me. I am grateful to be of service to each and everyone of you and to get to know you all better. I look forward to seeing you at one of our many events and know that we are planning some GREAT THINGS so STAY TUNED!!!

So, please join me in loving unity to supporting this amazing community and helping to make Edmonton and Surrounding Area a beautiful place! Please do not hesitate in contacting me if you have any events you would like us to host or any other suggestions.

See You Soon!
Brynda J Roche

That Pondering Question:
Now...... to answer that puzzling “I Want to Know Where Dianna is going” question-Dianna(our fearless fabulous founder) is NOT going away- after 11 years she is simply spreading her wings this year to soar and expand her Creative on The Move Business that will be of great benefit to all of us. Our Wonder Woman has entrusted her Fab@50 locations to each and every chosen Director. She will continue to be a major source of support and mentoring to Fabulous at 50 and for that we say thankyou to her. So, watch for her new adventures to begin!
Fabulous At 50 Website
Spring Time De-Clutter, Design, & Upcycle Event
with Karen McIntosh Murdock
And Experts
Hosted By Fabulous at 50
DATE: Monday March 4th
TIME: 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM
VENUE: Integrity Seminars

10977 127 Street Northwest
Edmonton, AB T5M 0T1

Is your space looking cluttered or your basement suddenly becoming aSTORAGE MONSTER?
Are you feeling like you are drowning inSTUFFand wishing you could just wave a magic wand to get your home more organized? Or just wanting to know how to effectivelyRELEASEall that unnecessary clutter not serving you well?

If so, you are ready to de-clutter and hit reset on your home decor! This evening is designed with you in mind!

Get Your Tickets Here!
Healing Circle - Exploring the Heart of Healing Meetup Event

Hosted byDiannaBowes
DATE: Tuesday, March 19, 2019
TIME: 6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
VENUE:Integrity Seminars
10977 127 St NW
Edmonton, AB T5M 0T1
We are directly across from Westmount Hall.
DiannaBowes is a woman who has experienced much and recently a journey down the cancer path.Diannais a heart-centered creative woman who is passionate about supporting people in their own journeys.
Her agenda is to create a safe space for people on the Cancer journey or other illnesses. We will gather to share our experiences and harvest collective wisdom. We will also be creating Discovery Circles, Caring Circles and Learning Circles in the future months.

For More Information on this Event Click Here
Super Kelly


Super Kelly

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AuthorBrynda Roche


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