Living Your Passion...It isn't a bowl of cherries!
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Living Your Passion...It isn't a bowl of cherries!

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Living Your Passion...It isn't a bowl of cherries!

There is so much talk about finding your passion, stepping out of your comfort zone...etc, etc. What does all that really mean? Some people are very good at taking risks and staying positive through the challenges. Then there are the people who think that if you do what you are passionate about, it will be easy, comfortable, a natural process. It can be, but don't be fooled you will be challenged and you may even fail. The growth is in the challenges, can you overcome them and what do you learn from them? Your self-esteem and self-confidence will be tested, but the beautiful part is the growth that happens when you come through it. It is so important to believe in what you are doing and why you are doing it. A friend of mine told me recently that the most important thing is to know who you are and what your intention is.

I get asked all the time, why I do what I do with Fabulous@50 and sometimes I really don't know what to say. It is obviously my passion and I am challenged constantly. I get great pleasure in seeing other people happy and seeing the personal growth.

Not having any sisters and being raised by my grandmother, I find I love feminine energy, especially when it is positive and is purposeful. I love surrounding myself with women who have purpose and really understand win-win. Sound Polly Anna, maybe, but glimpses of it are seen every so often.

At the Fabulous@50 Experience on November 6th, I saw women of all ages, shopping, learning and laughing, they had a purpose for the day, to enjoy themselves. I hope it wasn't because they had too many martinis! And for myself, I was surrounded by a loyal group of women who I would not been able to do this event without. As stressful as an event like this is to put on, it really made it worthwhile when women voiced to me how much they enjoyed it and appreciated the efforts put into it. Was it fun, absolutely, did I have moments of "why the heck am I doing this?" Yes, Yes, and Yes!

So for those of you looking to find your purpose, I am not trying to discourage you, but what I am saying is sometimes the toughest things in life are the most fulfilling. Example: being a parent! Hardest thing I have ever done, but so worth it!!
Fabulously yours,
Dianna Bowes
Founder of Fabulous@50




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