Let your creative side out...if not now...when?
As children we don't think twice about singing, dancing or scribbling in a color book. But somewhere along the journey, we get self conscious, or put our talents aside to live our lives. I admire the people who hang on to their love of music by being in bands or singing in choirs as adults. Or the artist, who makes time to take a class or using the quiet times to paint instead of watching TV.
I remember taking my 2 year old daughter Amber to West Edmonton Mall (29 years ago). There was a puppet show on with the puppets dancing to music. Amber wiggled her way to the front of the crowd to watch, and as the music was playing the crowd opened and I caught a glimpse of her dancing to the music without a care in the world. It was so darn cute.
For myself I was always good at drawing and painting. Luckily I landed a job in the creative world as an artist right out of High School at good old "Woodward's". As many of us do, I have had several different paths in my career, one was also as a florist, then a graphic designer and now a combination of many different creative roles. But because I was always involved creatively in my work, I didn't always make time to play or just to paint or draw for pleasure. I have heard this story from so many women.

They danced all their lives, but when they married and had a family, it was all put aside for the family. And then we get here....mid age, and time opens up for us. We have more time to explore those opportunities again. For me it was the chance to be part of a Artist Guild in Beaumont, Alberta, called the
Painted Door on Main. I was over the moon with excitement when I was invited to join this group of talented individuals. I feel like I have a purpose again to create.
A few years ago I organized a Talent Search for women over 40 who wanted an opportunity to perform on stage. It was a magical evening with women singing, dancing and doing comedy. The audience was filled with family, friends and
Fabulous@50 members.
On Oct 13th we are hosting another Talent Search with a Cake Raffle at the Sawmill Banquet Centre in Edmonton. This event will be a fundraiser for
The Edmonton Dream Centre. If you are one of those women who has a dream to sing, dance, or do somersaults on stage (no fire please) then here is your chance to perform in a supportive and loving atmosphere for a great cause. If you are reading this and thinking about someone who may be interested please share this with them. Or if you are more a spectator, we would love you to join us for this magical experience and support the dream.
If not not... when?
Dianna Bowes is the creative director of Fabulous@50 and editor of Be Fabulous! Dianna is also the author of The Fabulous@50 Re-Experience - Refresh your mind, body and spirit. Available here
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