Finding Balance
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Finding Balance

Finding Balance
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Finding Balance

I was asked to be a part of an evening seminar that was focusing on healthy lifestyles, and I was assigned "balance" as my topic of expertise. I found this interesting as at this time of year, balance is not my focus. I am working crazy hours, sometimes well into the early morning and completely obsessed with my upcoming tradeshow. So what did I learn from this assignment? 

To be honest I was struggling with what wise words I would share with the guests of the event. How can I talk to them about balance when I don't really live a very balanced life. The only thing I am good at balancing on is my bike. 

It always amazes me how things come forward when we are open. Danielle Laporte was in town a few days before the event I was to speak at, and she was asked her feeling about balance. Her response was: "It is a myth". I thought about this for several days, and came to my own feeling about balance. Similar to Danielle's, I believe, it is a myth to be balanced 100% of the time.

The idea of living a balanced life is very individual. My life would be way out of balance for some because I work long hours at some periods, and very little at others. Yes, I am going to say it, the whole idea of doing everything in moderation is a joke. If you want a wonderful, purposeful life, you will be out of balance at times. No athlete, writer, actor, musician, or mother, ever reached its full potential by playing the 'everything in moderation' game. 

So here is where the challenge of balance begins, how can we achieve our goals, and still maintain our health and relationships? Much like the tree pose in yoga (you know the one, where you stand on one foot with the foot up on your ankle or thigh) it takes practice and continuous readjustment. 

Like many things it is also about awareness, constantly checking in with yourself and your surrounding. Even when I am in full out work mode, I always make time for exercise, walks, and I make time for the special people in my life. Once I get past the crazy time I check back in and realign my balance (priorities). So like the tree pose, you fall over, you refocus, and you keep going. Being aware, conscious, and present will help keep you happy and healthy and practicing self care. Sleep, eat healthy, relax, exercise, and get some fresh air. All of this will help get you through the tipsy turvy off balance times. 

I would love to hear how you balance your work-play-life. 


Dianna Bowes is the founder of Fabulous of50 and the editor of Be Fabulous! Magazine.Dianna Bowes - Founder of Fabulous@50
Dianna was the winner of the 2011 YWCA Women of Distinction Award in the Turning Point category and the 2014 Leader of Tomorrow Business Award. She is a creative soul, who loves connecting people and embracing life. Travel, great food, family, friends and a long bike ride on a sunny day is her definition of great life. 




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