Take a look around, are the people closest to you supporting you or holding you back? If you were to say to your closet friend, hey I have this great idea to write a book, take singing lessons, run for Mayor, would they applaud you or give you the “Are you nuts look?” Unfortunately most of us have more of the second group in our lives and I for one had more than my share. The sad thing was, even when they weren’t in the room or near me, I could hear them say, “You can’t do that, who do you think you are?” It takes courage my friends, and for me many hours of coaching and personal development courses to get those destructive voices from my brain.
It was very empowering for me to start to spend more time with people like myself you had ideas, yes sometimes they are out there, but the majority of the time, they are brilliant and original.
What really is exciting for me is when I meet women who think like me, and who are living their dreams. It doesn’t matter if it is writing a book, writing a song, changing your career, but living a charged life. Brendan Bouchard writes about the 3 different lifestyles that people live, a comfortable lifestyle, a caged lifestyle or a charged lifestyle.
The person living a charged live is wondering “ Am I living an inspired life and inspiring others, am I living my truth and actualizing my potential?
I won’t get into describing the other 2 lifestyle’s as I am sure you understand them, or pickup the book, it is a good read.
I decided unconsciously long ago to not get too comfortable or trapped, that experiences and making a difference was my journey. Living a charged life can be tougher sometimes, even more stressful at times. But ladies, it also makes me feel more joyful and grateful to be alive.
My highlight of the summer is attending the Canmore Folk Fest, and this year I was blessed with meeting several ladies my age, who are excited about being baby boomer women. Two of the ladies were singers and songwriters, another runs Goddess Seminars. We chatted up a storm and found the common ground in mere minutes, none of us could talk fast enough to get it all out before the music started again. We shared information and are now hooked up on facebook and they have become followers of this enewsletter. So many opportunities are lost because we are afraid to make the first move. That lady sitting alone at the next table could be “Your New Best Friend” (Sharon, that was for you). Sorry private joke.
Another opportunity I had was meeting the fabulous Rhea March from Edmonton. She mentors under 21 kids in songwriting, performing and singing. I saw her, I knew her, but she had never met me, so I approached Rhea and introduced myself. She was thrilled and thanked me, another baby boomer women following her passion.
There are opportunities everywhere, but like always, you can’t sit in your back yard and expect that they will come to you. My Fabulous@50 meetup group is continuing to grow daily with over 300 members and we hit our 100th event this week. But many ladies sign up and never come out, nothing changes unless you TAKE ACTION.
I will take another leap and say, if you are waiting for retirement to start, you are missing the message. Today is the day, go for a walk, join a group, join my group, get a personal coach, but do something, every day is precious. If NOT NOW, when?
I recommend to anyone who will listen to me, to make sure you have a creative outlet in your life. Singing, dancing (belly-dancing is awesome) painting, writing, gardening…it is necessary for a balanced life to have a creative outlet. It doesn’t matter if you are good at it, be child-like and enjoy the process.
I would love it if you would share what you do to keep that creative spark alive.
Fabulously yours, Dianna
P.S. If you want to share your hidden talents and win prizes. Check out the Baby Boomer Talent Search at www.fabulousat50.com
Suggested Reading:
The Charge – Activating the 10 Human Drives That Make You Feel Alive – Brendan Burchard
The Artist’s Way – Julia Cameron