5 Spring-inspired Stress Relievers for Women
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5 Spring-inspired Stress Relievers for Women

5 Spring-inspired Stress Relievers for Women
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5 Spring-inspired Stress Relievers for Women

Let the sun-kissed embrace of spring inspire you to stress less and do more for YOU this season. Check out these 5 spring-inspired activities to help combat stress:

Start spring cleaning: Clearing your living space of clutter and unwanted items can do more than just free up room to move around. Oftentimes we hold on to clutter and hoard possessions because they embody feelings for us - stress, regret, sadness - feelings we can’t let go.

Decluttering can bring a new found sense of mental and emotional clarity to our lives, whether it’s removing large pieces of furniture or boxes that block sunlight from flowing in, or simply ridding our space of unused items that carry no joy or purpose with them.

Having trouble letting go? Clean home experts recommend tackling clutter in small, manageable steps. Instead of setting out to clean the entire garage in one Saturday, set goals to do smaller cleaning projects like one side of the garage or just organizing your closet in an afternoon.

Try yoga: Stress hormones can wreak havoc on a woman’s body, creating muscle tension and inflammation, increasing blood pressure, causing headaches and upset stomach, and depleting energy levels. The relaxing and meditative practice of yoga is a must-try this spring to help you fight back.

Gentle or restorative yoga is not the pretzel-bending acrobatic act you might believe it to be. Instead, the fundamental principles of kindness and self-actualization are manifested in the gentle stretching, calm movements and deep breathing practices of yoga. Proven to help people de-stress and combat feelings of anxiety and depression, yoga is extra enjoyable in an outdoor setting during the spring. Find yoga classes near you with services like YogaFinder.com, or stream free instructional yoga videos on Youtube.

Discover coloring: Coloring has gained massive popularity among adults in the past couple of years for good reason - in addition to its visual appeal, coloring has shown to help adults relax, find calm, and focus their thoughts. Whether it’s coloring beautiful, symmetrical flowers and mandalas or more intricate animal designs, coloring welcomes you to tap into your creative side this spring and concentrate on pleasant and productive thoughts, leaving stress behind.

As well, returning to the simple pastimes that entertained you as a child has its own healing properties. Coloring is a mindfulness type of art therapy that doesn’t require you to be an artist at all - anyone can do it and reap the benefits it has to offer. You can find free printable coloring sheets online, and a variety of coloring books to purchase in stores.

Ask for help: Struggling to keep up while it seems everyone else is busy posting pictures on social media of their latest outdoor adventure with their family? Stress can seem all that more overwhelming when the rest of the world seems to have it all. Asking for help should empower you this spring rather than put you out.

Recovering from surgery or a foot injury that makes getting around tough? Ask your healthcare provider or physical therapist about using a knee scooter rental to stay active and mobile. Having a difficult time caring for an aging parent? Find caregiving resources, tools and outlets on the web, like at DailyCaring.com. Remember that reaching out for support isn’t a reflection on failure, but rather a reflection on your own strength and self-care.

Volunteering: The transformative power of helping others finds new life with the onset of spring. Fun, outdoor volunteer events are great ways to interact with others, make new friends, and dedicate time and effort to giving back - all things which boost overall mood and reduce feelings of stress and social isolation. Spring volunteer ideas include:

Pitch in at a community, neighborhood or park clean-up

Volunteer at a fun run or walkathon to benefit a local charity

Lend a helping hand at an outdoor festival or fair

Sign up to volunteer at a local Special Olympics event

Use free websites like VolunteerMatch.org and CreatetheGood.org to search for volunteer opportunities based on your location and interests.

As Ralph Waldo Emerson once put it, “The Earth laughs in flowers.” Find the joy and rejuvenation that blossoms with spring by discovering new and creative ways to relieve stress this season. What would you add to the list? Leave a comment below!




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