What do you do?
When someone asks you what you do for a living, do you tell them with enthusiasm or do you quickly answer the question and move on to the next topic? We would all love to be spending our days filled with joy and passion, but realistically how many of us truly know what we really want to be doing? Many of us think retiring is the answer, then we can do anything we want. But do you have any idea what you want to do when you retire? As women, we need to be doing meaningful things that have a purpose and that fill our hearts.
There may be bits and pieces of your job that you love, and something's you detest. Now is the time to start thinking about the bits and pieces you enjoy. For the next week, keep track of these moments, minutes or hours that you get lost in.
One of my fabulous at 50 members, recently retired from a long career in administrative roles. What she loved about her jobs were the times she was asked to organize something. She took this bit of her past career and quickly signed up for the Special Events program at Nait and is now open to new possibilities. Was this scary for her, you better believe it, but who ever said that once you hit 50 you should stop learning new skills and having new experiences.
Every time you create a new experience for yourself, your serotonin levels soar and yes, you become a happier person. So much better than anti-depressants!
Edmonton has so many opportunities, volunteer, sign up for a course or come out to a Fabulous at 50 meetup event. Suit Yourself, the YWCA and the Heart and stroke Foundation are always looking for fabulous women to help them with their programs.
Metro college, NAIT and the U of A all offer programs that could ignite some excitement for you and you could start right now in your pursuit of your passion. If not now, when?
Dianna Bowes is the founder of Fabulous@50 and the editor of Be Fabulous! magazine. Dianna was the winner of the 2011 YWCA Women of Distinction Award in the Turning Point Category.