One of the things I really love to do in the summer is read. And over the last few years I have realized I am not reading as much as I used to. What I mean by that, is I usually read several books at one time. I would have one in the bedroom, one in the kitchen, one in the living room. I would even have a stack of books ready to read. I enjoy fiction, non-fiction and everything in between. But I have noticed that I have been forcing myself to read on my iPad and not really enjoying it quite the same as reading an actual paper book and because of this I am not reading as much. So a week ago at one of my favorite book stores (Mandolin Books), I asked the girls that worked there how they feel about reading on devices, and they said the same thing. They love the feel of a paper book, moving the book mark as they read, folding the corner and the smell of the paper book. A smile came over their faces as they described their love of reading. I have been like this since I was a little girl, where I spent many hours every day at the library a block from my house.
I bought several books at the bookstore that day and now am making time in the afternoon or before bed to read again. I love stretching out on the sofa, with a blanket, a cup of Earl Grey tea on the side table and one of my reading buddies (Finn or Lucy - my cats) purring to the tune of whatever I am reading. I treat this as a gift to myself. I deserve this and so do you.
I was at a business networking meeting this week, and was blessed to sit at the table of Sandra Yancey, (Founder of eWomen International) We were talking about our love of books, and she has a policy in her office, that everyone is to take 15 minutes everyday to read. This could be a time to learn something new or to just relax. Smart, very smart.
I have thought it over and what is the difference between reading on a device or in a book? It is still reading. For someone like me who spends more than enough time working on a computer, somewhere in my subconscious I felt that reading on a device was like work.
Was it the light off the screen, I am not really sure, but it is not the same.
And the other part is, it is great to take your device on vacation loaded with books, but be aware, if you put it down on a deck chair and go off for a swim, I can guarantee you, it will not be there when you return. Aloha… IPad. Where a $15.99 book probably will be. And you can take a book in the bath or drop it in the pool for that matter and it is not a big deal.
Book Share
Most resorts and hotels have a shared book exchange shelf. People do not want to carry a book home that they have already read, so you get the benefit. So I leave the book I brought, take one off the shelf and the love is returned.
So if you are not reading as much as you used to this may be the reason. Reading is a gift, an escape, a wonderful way to learn something new about the world, history, and maybe even yourself. Happy Summer Reading.
Dianna Bowes is the creative director of Fabulous@50 and editor of Be Fabulous!
I would love to hear of your favorite book. Please Share.
Here is my summer reading list provided by my Fabulous@50 members: