Manifesting from Tiny Spaces©
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Manifesting from Tiny Spaces©
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Manifesting from Tiny Spaces©

How can a tiny space turn into a dream come true? Let's focus on just one thought in our brain. Considering the myriad of thoughts we have every second, we know that each thought takes up a very tiny space.

On my wall is my 2018 vision board. There are words and there are pictures that represent my thoughts - dreams, really - about what I want to have next in my life. 

Since I tacked it to my wall in January, I have glanced at it occasionally, but I haven’t spent much time or energy focusing on it. What I did do was spend tiny moments feeling what it would be like to achieve what was on my board. As the months passed, I got curious about whether or not any of those dreams had come true.

I was startled and delighted to discover that many of them had materialized in the first three months - with very little effort on my part! For instance, a picture of palm trees - my symbol of warm and exotic destinations was glued to my vision board. Because of what I’d spent on travel in 2017, that picture was a “far in the future” dream – or so I thought.

In February, a dear friend called with an amazing offer for a short getaway in Mexico. If you live where I do, you know that winter is long, the snow is deep, and it can get very cold. No way was I refusing that opportunity for sun and surf! I had a great time and came home ready to face the rest of winter.

What was even more delightful was that the rest and relaxation while there fueled my creative brain cells and triggered an idea for a workshop that I felt could make a difference in people's lives. Bonus!

I’m sure you’ve heard the phrase that "thoughts become things." If you take your own trip down memory lane to track what thoughts of yours became reality, you might be astounded by what you’ve manifested. For instance, way back in 1998, my husband and I were slowly recovering from a financial disaster. We had an old beater of a car that was reliable but there was no guarantees of how long it would last. 

I began to think about a newer vehicle and felt how much better our lives would be. What happened next was very surreal. An outing to the racetrack with friends had us filling out an entry for a chance to pick a key that might start a new truck. When the invitation came to join other key holders, all my spidey senses went on high alert. Long story short – we won a $35,000 truck!

What I’ve learned about thought is the importance of making a space in our brains for our hopes, dreams, and goals. If our thoughts center entirely on worries, fears, and doubts, it’s hard for our lives to change for the better. But one, tiny space given over to what we desire – that can make all the difference!

As a Magnificence Mentor, Sue Paulson inspires others to create their own version of heaven on earth. Her third book, “Magnificent Misery – From Adversity to Ecstasy” is available at Audrey’s and Ascendant Books in Edmonton or through Amazon.  To book Sue for your next event, e-mail her at or check out her website:



AuthorSue Paulson


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