It is the little things in life that count
Have you every heard the saying " It is the little things in life that count".
I am a firm believer in this philosophy. The person sitting next to you at a meeting or a garage sale you drive by... you just never know who you may meet by slowing down and taking some time to talk or get to know someone. I recently met a wonderful couple who rescue the dented and damaged small dogs that are going to be put down. Debbie and her husband fix these little creatures, clean them up, rehabilitate them and find them homes.
They were having a garage sale (to raise funds for Gypsy Rescue) and I saw a sofa that I thought my daughter might like. We did end up buying the sofa, but the connection I have made with these people, is what really made my day. I recently had an event and collected money from the fabulous ladies who attended. With the money donated I was able to purchase 4 big bags of dog food and dropped it off to Debbie. I was invited for tea and a visit with the little herd of sweet dogs. I got more kisses and love that afternoon, truly a blessing beyond words. So as usual, I will give you a challenge, what little difference can you make in your world today?
Big hugs & sloppy kisses
Dianna Bowes
Founder of Fabulous@50
P.S. I am thankful that there are people like this in the world...
P.S.S. To donate food, contact a local Vet in Edmonton and tell them you want to help out Debbie with Gypsy Rescue.