Happy 5th Birthday Fabulous@50!
This summer we celebrated the 5th Birthday of Fabulous@50 and my 55th birthday. Friends, family and members joined together on June 23rd at the Phoenica Restaurant and celebrated our birthday. We had a delicious meal, with entertainment throughout the eve
ning. The feel in the room was of connection and celebration. As a child I can't remember ever having a birthday party, as an adult, if felt weird to me to organize a party for myself, and still does. But why not? We deserve it! I have never needed to be the center of attention, but why are we not celebrating our lives? Our birthday's are the real occasions. I know Mother's Day and some of the other occasions are nice, but our birthday's are the real deal. I am thrilled to be 55, healthy and living my life to the fullest. I was talking to the organizer at the YWCA Women of Distinction Awards last month and she told me that some women get nominated and do not want to be recognized. I believe we are doing a disservice to ourselves and to the other women out there, but not accepting the recognition we deserve. Stand up ladies, put your hands about your head, jump in the air and celebrate your life. You are fabulous!
Dianna Bowes
Founder of Fabulous@50 and winner of the 2011 YWCA Women of Distinction Award.