Getting Real
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Getting Real
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Getting Real

Usually it is January 1 that people try to lose weight or start
 a new exercise program, but I have never been one for resolutions. What I have done plenty of in my lifetime, is diet. You name it, I probably have done it. Succeeded and then slowly climbed back up. I know, I know, moderation is the key and making good choices. I am so grateful to my strong, healthy body, but I have almost always carried excess weight. When I look back, I see photos of me at all stages, some good and some, what was I thinking when I put that outfit or got that haircut.

To be very honest, my self image is pretty good, I feel good, until I see a photo, which of course with social media is more than I like.

The last program I did was Weight Watchers, a good program, but I just didn't feel like it was for me. Once I lose about 10 lbs, it becomes torture for me, it is so slow. I lose and gain the same half pound while the other people are dropping 5 or more.
I am quite active, and strong, but I think I need a serious look a what I am eating. I work out at Orange Theory, a tough high intensity program, I go to yoga, ride my bike everywhere in the summer, and cross country ski in the winter. Plus I love to walk and attend an spin classes from time to time. So exercise is not the issue.

Last year I was introduced to Shonda Holt (Nourishing Yourself), an Edmonton Functional Nutrition Practioner who got my attention. Shonda is a former Nurse as well, so she is full of knowledge. Over the next 3 months Shonda and I will be working together to help me gather some tools and knowledge to support me to be diet free forever more.

The process to start working with Shonda took some time. The first few steps were very different than any other program I have ever been on. It started with a visit to the doctor with a long list of blood tests to be done. My doctor was great about it, which is not always the case. 

Linda and diannaThe really good news is I am a very healthy 58 year old specimen. My doctor says I am a poster child for great health, even if I do carry extra weight.

Then Shonda sent me numerous forms to fill out, every question you could imagine, from sleep patterns,  mood, skin texture, brain fogginess, energy levels and bathroom info. It all plays a part in helping Shonda get a feel for the real me. Plus a week of keeping a food diary, this in itself keeps me from grabbing whatever is in my way to eat or the other side, not eating at all. I was very honest on the diary, I wrote everything including the chocolate. And because I knew I was not going to be indulging, I made sure I had whatever I choose to have.

Stay tuned, I will be as honest and open as I can. I could use some support, so encouragement would be great, but please no diet advice, I want to stay focused in the information I receive from Shonda. Follow me on Facebook as well.

Fabulously your

Photo: taken in Honduras with my friend Linda (owner of Tranquility Bay Hotel in Trujillo, Honduras. I hated this picture, it makes me look so heavy. Nice tan though;)





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Lynn Gale


Good for you for taking this step. I can relate completely to what you are going through. Wishing you all the best through your journey.




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