Enough or Not Enough?
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Enough or Not Enough?

I will be 53 years old this year, it is funny how that number really doesn't mean much to me. I don't feel 53, nor do I look or act like it. I feel like I am traveling through my second phase of my life, which started in my early 40's. I lived the first half of my life unconscious and really not participating in it much. I spent a lot of time watching other people enjoy their lives through sports and activities, so now I am making up for lost time. One thing that has been consistent through most of my life has been a struggle with weight. But I have made a decision for this not to be my struggle any longer.

All it would take for me to start on another diet, was a comment from someone. I have to say I enjoyed some of the diets. I found it interesting to see how my body reacts to certain foods and limitations. I enjoyed the challenge. About 5 years ago, I did an entire year of weighing, measuring and monitoring my food intake. And I have to tell you, I know what 6 oz of meat looks like, you can't fool me. It also gave me great insight into how much food I should eat. I ate non-stop and the amazing thing was I lost 25 lbs and kept it off for over 3 years, until I got too busy and started missing meals and not eating enough again.

Yes I  would love to be a smaller dress size, but really ladies, when is enough, enough or should I say not enough. When are we just going to be happy with how we are, and stop beating ourselves up because we don't look like the celebrities. I've got news for you, they don't look too hot until they spend 2 hours in makeup and hair either.

True beauty comes from your inside core, the sparkle in your eyes and spring in your step. I am not saying you should not take care of yourself, I am saying, "stop obsessing over things that no one cares about." Your husband or partner, probably doesn't even notice that extra padding in the tummy (until you point it out of course).

Most of us go on diets that restrict calories, because that is what the experts have told us works. But my experience and more and more information is coming out that we need to eat more. Not more junk, but more protein, more vegetables, good carbs and healthy fats. We need more sleep, more water, more time to relax through massage and exercise,(yes I said exercise can be relaxing, if you are doing something you enjoy) and maybe even more sex. Happy sex keeps the stress levels in check and helps you sleep better. And for us ladies in the menopause phase of our lives, we need more hormones....

Being active is important, but you can over do it, I have. A couple of years ago, I found that after doing a spin class, I was more tired than usual. I had been going on a regular basis for over a year, and couldn't understand this sudden lapse. After talking to several of my fitness friends and mentors, they all advised I cut back and be gentler with my body. I still ride my bike as much as possible, I weight trains 2 to 3 times a week, instead of 4 or 5 and always find time for a gentle therapeutic massage. I am just as strong and still in good shape. I was also advised to start yoga again or dancing, which I do sporactically.

There is interesting resources out on the effects of belly fat and the amount of sleep you are getting. Another thing that many women have a struggle with, is getting enough sleep. Most of us are sleep-deprived, for many different reasons, hot flashes, spending too much time on the computer (this is me) or just not going to bed early enough because we need to watch the news.
No need to worry, if it is something important, it will be repeated on the news the next day.

Learn from your cat, take a nap, it will do wonders for you!

One of our Be Fabulous writers Reneigh Pickynk has written a interesting article on stress and the effects it has on our body. I recommend you pick up a copy of the June magazine or read it online. This is a fabulous article that every women should read.

Fabulously yours,
Dianna Bowes
Founder of Fabulous@50





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