Friday, November 26, 2010 Anonym 4234 Lifestyle, Money, Career, Purpose Baby Boomers are Powerful Consumers Do you have any idea how powerful you are? Businesses are beginning to realize that baby boomer women are the demographics they should be marketing to. Women make over 75% of the buying decisions on almost every purchase made in a home. Interesting....being young doesn't have the power it used to, thank goodness, because I am not getting any younger. Baby Boomers are growing at 30% annually in North America, so if you are thinking of starting a new business or changing careers, this may be something to keep in mind. My new philosophy is..IF NOT NOW...WHEN? You know the term 50 is the new 30, there is truth to that statement. People are healthier, more active, better educated and have a zest for life that has never been experienced before in history. At the November 7th, Fabulous@50 Experience, there will be many opportunities for new ideas. Bring the girls, there may just be something there to light a spark...Tickets are now on sale. Fabulously Yours, Dianna Bowes Founder of Fabulous@50 Tags baby boomersshopping Share Print Switch article I left my heart in San Francisco? Previous Article How is menopause treating you? Next Article Comments Collapse Expand Comments (0) You are replaying to Your comment was added, but it must be approved first. Name:Please enter your name Email:Please enter your email adressPlease enter valid email adress Comment: Please enter a comment Please solve Captcha. This form collects your name, email, IP address and content so that we can keep track of the comments placed on the website. For more info check our Privacy Policy and Terms Of Use where you will get more info on where, how and why we store your data. You must read and accept this rules. I agree Add Comment