It never ceases to amaze me, how we can manifest what we need by simply being clear and letting it happen. In September, I was preparing to create the Fabulous@50 Calgary Inside Out Makeover; affectionately tagged #frumpy2fabulous. I had everything in place except a make up artist. I had a couple of leads on people who might donate their services, but nothing had been confirmed on the day I went to an eWomen network meeting.
At one point the sweet woman sitting beside me excitedly showed me a business card. She had just received it and proceeded to share that she had met the most delightful, beautiful woman named Adrienne, who offers make up workshops. She declared that she so needed to do something like this and slipped the card into her purse for future reference. Needless to say my interest was piqued.
At the next opportunity I slipped over to introduce myself to Adrienne. She indeed was a delightful, beautiful woman who had an air of ease and elegance about her. Of course I specifically took a look at her make up and noticed that it was very fresh and very lightly applied. The overall result was quite fabulous and I knew she was the one for the makeover.
We had an instant connection and Adrienne was very interested in hearing more about the makeover. We followed this initial meeting up with a lengthy phone conversation. The end result was that Adrienne would donate her make up artistry the day of the makeover. But that was not all, we further went on to create a more elaborate plan. One that would share her expertise and skills with a wider audience of fabulous women.
The plan:
* We would collaborate on hosting a fun, intimate, three hour workshop offered to the Fabulous@50 community, for eight lucky ladies interested in learning new ways to present themselves to the world with increased confidence. (Scheduled for December 3, 2016)
* Adrienne would have a booth at the Fabulous@50 Tradeshow and Martini Party held on October 16, 2016.
* She would be the official make up artist for the makeover winners and myself the day of the event.
* I would sign up for her three-month makeover course which includes three, one-on-one sessions on how to apply makeup for different occasions; the fast every-day face, polished business look and the glamorous evening.
Today's blog will go further into my experience during the first session and some wonderful tips from Adrienne.
I met with Adrienne one evening in her bright, welcoming and well appointed Beauty School, makeup studio located on the ground floor of her home. I knew immediately I was in good hands. We started by having a discussion about my purpose for wearing makeup. We both agreed that makeup can be used for many purposes. Sometimes people do not feel beautiful and they use it as a mask to hide behind. But it's real purpose is to enhance our looks and increase our confidence. For me, I want my outsides to reflect how I am feeling on the inside. People have been enhancing their looks for millennium, so why not learn to do this skillfully in a way that makes us feel good on the inside and out.
Next, she had me spread out all my makeup in order to go through it and decide what was serving me, and what needed to be pitched or updated. I was quite happy to find out much of what I owned could be useful. "PHEW" I think it can be a fear of many women that they need to buy a whole new line of makeup which can be quite pricey. Although augmenting and updating a couple products can be fun that's not what this evening was all about. It was about learning I new way to utilize the products I had and bring about a fresh look.
We spent several hours together talking, sharing and learning new techniques. I thought I knew how to wear make up, after all I had been doing it for decades. But this session had educated me in many ways. I left feeling as if I had greater insight as to why I was using make up and a resolve to use a more mindful approach when taking the time to apply it. After all it is be part of a healthy self-care routine.
I asked Adrienne to provide me with some makeup tips for me to share with you today. Please see below.
I look forward to my future sessions with Adrienne and participating in the Fabulous@50, Sophisticated, Glamorous Evening MakeUp, How-to Workshop being held on Saturday, December 3, 2016.
Here are the tips from Adrienne Furrie:
I highly encourage that you have your makeup work for you, not against you.
To use Joanne’s own words, we want makeup that helps you to look fresh, and healthy.
And… you know what’s not particularly fresh and healthy looking? Highly powered, super matte looking skin!
We all get into makeup habits (or if we’re being really honest, ruts), that may have served us well at one point in time, but flash forward five, ten maybe even fifteen plus years later, and those same makeup habits may actually be working against us, not for us.
Working with Joanne, we focussed on creating a dewy, radiant, plump looking complexion. One that bounced light off it, creating the appearance of younger skin.
How did we do this?
We swapped out matte foundations and liberal use of powder, for sheer, natural finish foundations.
We used a cream blush instead of a powder blush.
Because we were focussing on a fairly simple day look, we streamlined the eyes down to a shimmering primer and single crease shade - for a clean and fresh looking eye.
To help create lovely full looking lips we want MOISTURE! A great tip is to always pair a quick swipe of lip conditioner (Burt’s Bees is my long-time go to favourite) under all of your lipsticks. This helps to plump up the lips and make the lipsticks infinitely more comfortable to wear.
Simple little switches for mega impact; it always comes down to the details.
Feel Free to contact Adrienne at: or
