25 ways to enjoy your life without spending loads of cash.
The greatest things in life are those worthwhile experiences and subtle occurrences that sometimes most individuals simply take for granted. While Madison avenue may think that having expensive “stuff” and the like are what lead to happiness, below are some ways you can still enjoy yourself without spending a fortune.
1. Take a walk, if you have a beach or a river valley close by even better.
2. Explore new places in your city. Be a tourist in your own city.
3. Take a nature walk, google the walking paths in your city.
4. Ride Your Bike. Get your exercise and a little adverture all in one. A great family activity.
5. Hangout at a local farmers market. Grab a coffee and listen to the bustkers
6. Read a book. Always a great way to have a new experience. Ask your friends to share what they have been reading or pick up a book at a second hand book store or garage sale.
7. Go swimming. Very inexpensive way to get in the water and relax.
8. Grab a board game, Remember the fun you had playing games as a child. Relive the past times and relish the classical way to entertain yourself and spend quality time with family and friends.
9. Play an instrument. For music lovers, playing an instrument is not only relaxing but if helps keep the mind focused and sharp.
10. Take a friend for icecream. Walk to your local ice cream shop.
11. Take an online course: This is a inexpensive way to learn and do it from home.
12. Walk the Mall. Looking without spending money is a great way to enjoy yourself. Most malls have entertainment and activities going on .
13. Attend a gallery opening. Art gallery opening for new exhibits will give you a close look at some of your community’s top aritisitic talens.
14. Check the Community Calender How many fun, practical and occasionally strange events are you missing because you don't check your community
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