Too old, too young, more excuses, live...
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Too old, too young, more excuses, live...

What excuse do you use to not participate in your life? I am too old, too young, have a disability, no energy....the list goes on. And the worst of all excuses, I have no time.

That reminds me of when I was 12 years old and a friend asked me to join her dance class and I said no because I felt I was too old...can you believe it? I loved to danced and followed her dance career for years, yearning to be part of it. Years later in my 40's I joined an adult tap class at my daughters dance studio and had the time of my life.

I love to ride my road bike here and there around the city. One of the reasons is it connects me with my creative muse. I realized that there is not many women my age riding bikes, not sure why, it is a perfect form of exercise for an aging body.

I see so many interesting things and people, some kind of disturbing and others very inspiring. Living  close to downtown gives you the full experience of the city, the street people, the traffic, the  energy. Last week I saw a man walking his tortoise, yes  a giant turtle with a pink hat, walking down a path in downtown Edmonton. And of course the downside, the down and out people, who have lost all self-respect and pull down their pants and relieve themselves in public.

Celebrating the wins

But on one of my rides, I started off by riding over to watch my husband play slow pitch. He is probably the youngest man on the team, some of the men are in their 70's. I was inspired by them, enjoying a game that they have probably played since their youth, and not using the excuse of age to stop them. Some can't run very fast or at all, but can still hit, catch and throw, but they all participate, and then celebrate by high fiving and celebrating each others hits and runs.

Then off to the river valley I go. Down the big hill I cruise and when i come the bottom I join up with a group of specially designed bikes and bikers for wheelchair bound individuals. Some were having a challenge getting up a steep and sandy hill. I got off my bike to help one man, but he said he wanted to see if he could do it himself, so I stood aside and watched until I saw his tires spinning in the sand and then me and another lady gave him a quick push to get him to the top. So cool to see them challenging themselves, and I was inspired again.

Living in the moment

After a long ride I am rounding the last corner  to my neighborhood and see a little 2 year old with his mother. He is in his blue pajamas with fire trucks on them riding a little 2 wheeler with training wheels. It is 8:30 pm and is probably bed time for this little guy. But his mom took him for a little ride around the block. As I rode by him, I heard his little voice  " look at me, I am riding my bike"

The joy  of participating In life is not determined by age or physical ability, it is simply determined by desire and the joy of being alive. None of us knows what life will bring us tomorrow, so enjoy each day!

Question to all of you? Do you think I am too old to learn to play the cello? And do you know someone who teach an old dog a new trick? Tell me about something new you have learned lately.

Fabulously yours,

Dianna Bowes

Founder of Fabulous@50, editor of Be Fabulous! magazine.and winner of the 2011 YWCA Women of Distinction Award.To contact Dianna,




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