Are you waiting for ‘Someday'?
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Are you waiting for ‘Someday'?
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Are you waiting for ‘Someday'?

While it’s never too late to pursue a dream, by the time we reach 50-something there are only so many days left in our physical time on the planet—and none of those days on the calendar are called “someday.”

We all know “someday” people, those who wait for the right time, money, stars to align, or some perfect storm of conditions to begin something they’d love to be, do, or have. So what separates the someday types from those who actually take action to follow their dreams, art or heart?

Successful people are committed to contributing their genius, outrageous talents, and “whatever-it-takes-attitude” to realizing their vision—no matter what their age, or circumstances. They’re not waiting for the planets, finances, or approval from others to align before they pursue their soul’s passions or life’s work.

They ask themselves: “If not now, when?”

In some ways pursuing something you love is like developing an intimate relationship; success requires vulnerability, commitment, and an ability to be in a space of “not knowing” where it’s going to take you. It also takes focus, will, and momentum.

If you’ve been waiting for someday to creating something you’d love or bring a dreams to life here are a five ways to get some traction toward taking action.

Five Simple Steps to Stop Waiting and Start Creating

1) Start with the obvious. Ask yourself: “What do I want to create?” It doesn’t have to be a big vision, like a feature film or bestselling book (though it could be, if that’s what you want), it just has to be yours. If you don’t know the “what” in “what do I want?” as author Robert Fritz says,  “make it up!” That’s what powerful creators do. Remember what Einstein said, “Imagination is more powerful than knowledge.”

2) Tap into your intuition and take inspired action now – not next month, next year or next decade. Meditate, or simply quiet your mind, and allow your intuition to drop in. Ask for inner guidance about the next best steps to take to follow your vision. Go with whatever wisdom you receive, and then take action! Even small steps can lead to big changes, and when bold steps are taken, providence moves in.

3) Schedule time on your calendar, book a date or set a deadline (even a tentative one) to meet your goal or commitment. The universe loves commitment; it gives your subconscious the message that you are serious about acting on your dreams. Each time you affirm your intention with action and put the power in your vision, your subconscious will align to support you.

4) Notice synchronicity, and act on opportunities. Once you move toward your goal or vision and “follow your bliss” as Joseph Campbell said: “doors will open to you where you didn’t know they were going to be.”

5) Make conscious choices. Powerful people deliberately choose how they will spend their time, energy and resources. Making choices about the results you want to create is how you “activate the seeds of your creation,” says Robert Fritz, author of The Path of Least Resistance. “In the creative orientation, you consciously choose results you want to see manifested.”

So making formal choices not only activates your vision, but also aligns energy, resources, and momentum toward your choice. It’s the first stage of the creative cycle.

For example, if you want to publish a book, choose to show up at your desk and write for at least 30 minutes a day, preferably longer; if you want to be an entrepreneur, choose to take action to direct and operate your business; if you want to have great relationships choose to dedicate specific times to spend with those you love—whether it’s “date night,” weekends, or scheduled getaways.

In short, the biggest difference between “someday people” and “the-time-is-now” people is the latter choose to show up, move through any resistance, and do the work required to get to completion.

And one last note from Robert Fritz: “When people make a fundamental choice to be true to what is highest in them, or when they make a choice to fulfill a purpose in their life, they can easily accomplish many changes that seemed impossible.

What’s possible for you… if you stop waiting and start creating?

Barbara Edie is a bestselling author, journalist, and editor who helps entrepreneurs, non-profit organizations, writers, and other professionals tell more powerful stories to promote their work, message, or mission. 

She is the author of the Amazon bestseller Sparking Change Around the Globe: 5 Ways to Make Your Difference in the World, and her upcoming book is called “Creating the Impossible” (working title) about what it really take to turn your vision into reality. 

Barbara’s writing is also featured in Breakthrough! Inspirational Strategies for an Audaciously Authentic Life with New York Times bestselling authors Janet Bray Attwood, Chris Attwood, and Marci Shimoff, as well as several other international writers. 

She also co-authored the best-selling guidebook The Manitoba Book of Everything, and is the former editor of two Canadian lifestyle magazines: The Cottager and Winnipeg Women/Winnipeg Men.

You can find out more about Barbara’s work and writing at

Barbara Edie

#1 Amazon Bestselling author of Sparking Change Around the Globe: Five Ways to Make Your Difference in the World






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