A New 'Chapter', A New Beginning
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A New 'Chapter', A New Beginning
Super Kelly 3866

A New 'Chapter', A New Beginning

I have recently joined the Fabulous@50 'family', and I am really excited and greatly honoured to be part of this amazing group of women. Lead by the inspiring Dianna Bowes, Fab@50 is doing amazing work to build a strong, supportive and passion filled community of 40+ - 50+ women across Canada - we are united in the belief that our lives are always evolving, growing, and enriching especially at mid life, and our best years are yet to come!

I was drawn to Fabulous@50 for many reasons. I am 54 years old and lucky enough to be able to retire at the end of this year. I have had an amazing, challenging, exciting and rewarding 31 year career as an advanced care Paramedic - but as this 'chapter' in my life closes, it begs the question - what now? What is next for me?

My 1st priority is continuing to raise my beautiful 8 year old son Jesse. Retiring now will allow me to spend more time with him and always be there when he really needs me.

But on top of my role as a mother - I am interested in continued personal development, and in giving back to others  - this is where Fabulous@50 fits in perfectly for me. I can now take my love of event planning, my enjoyment of bringing people together, and belief in the importance of personal growth at any age, to the next level.

Developing and growing the Fab@50 Toronto chapter is a very exciting new project for me - and I can't wait to see where it will lead. I am so looking forward to bringing together the many other women 50+ who have the same issues, curiosities, challenges and questions as I do about this 'phase' in our lives. 
I am really looking forward to meeting my new members, and them getting a chance to meet each other, as well as nurturing and growing our community at our monthly meetings in Toronto - starting with our big Fab at 50 Toronto launch event on May 15th entitled 'Why not be Fabulous at 50!'
These monthly Toronto events/socials/workshops etc will be a great opportunity for 50+ women across Toronto to connect, share their stories and their knowledge, to create and grow new friendships, and explore together, as a supportive community, all the new beginnings that this time in our life has to offer.
I look forward  to meeting you all in person at Creeds in Toronto on Monday May 15th, and remember to live, love and be fabulous at 50!!

Roberta Scott is 54 and a 31 year veteran advanced care Paramedic as well as the new Community Director of Fabulous@50 Toronto. She is the recipient of the 2012 Queens Diamond Jubilee Medal for her distinguished service to her profession and the community, as well as the Ontario Paramedic Association Exemplary Service Award in 2016.


She believes that our personal growth and development should never stop, and that our lives should be an exciting journey. That we should always look forward, to the next new opportunity or adventure. A new chapter in our life can always provide the potential to help us to become our best and most authentic self.


Roberta would love to hear from you, so drop her a line at roberta@fabulousat50.com if you have any question or comments or if you would like Roberta to speak at an upcoming event


Super Kelly


Super Kelly

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