I have read several of Dr. Bernie Siegal's books on healing. He refers to the concept of a "spiritual flat tire" as those bumps in the road that delay us but need not stop us completely. No only have I found dis-ease to fall in this, but life happens that creates job challenges, relationships issues, financial crisis or maybe just a puncture in your tire.
Life's Challenges
Have you ever been on the way somewhere and all of a sudden you come to a construction zone? If you live in Edmonton, this is normal at this time of year, and it drives people mad. Cars are lined up, traffic is crazy and frustration sets in as you realize you will not make it to your destination on time. Do you curse the City of Edmonton, do you start biting your nails with anxiety? I do both of these by the way…until I stop the inner chatter and accept that it is out of my hands and there may be a good reason for my delay. I turn up the music, send a text or call and say " I will be late."
We may never know why these bumps in the road, construction zones, missed flights, lost luggage show up for us. Just maybe, there is a reason, maybe one we will never know.
Have you ever considered that the real flat tire, may have saved you from a worse fate, a terrible accident. Have you ever rushed out the house, forgetting your keys, and just when you re-enter the house the phone rings and it is a friend in need or a important call?
Most of us go through life with resistance to life not showing up in the orderly fashion we expect. Or something shows up for us in a different form, we get all fussy and uncomfortable. Some of the most exciting and enjoyable things have been sent in a different package than expected. Re: my children.
I have had the experience of this the last couple of weeks and so has a very good friend of mine. My friend is a very wise and conscious women, but the disappointment of a failed business transaction, hit her hard. She understands that it is for a reason, but it still hurts. I know she will find peace with it, and a better result will show up for her.

My little bump was to do with my magazine "Be Fabulous". I have been forced to make a decision of continuing to do it on my own, without the support of a publisher or put it to the side for awhile. My stubborn side said" You can do it all, you are superwoman" Then after a very long walk, the reasonable, smarter woman said " just put it to the side and see what shows up." There is a time to know when to let go.
I will be producing a trade-show issue, which is how the magazine started. But after that, I am just waiting for the pieces to fall into place or not. The magazine is loved by all, and I believe it is not over yet…
A few lessons:
- Pushing and shoving doesn't work for me. When I allow the natural flow to happen, my results are always better for me and everyone else.
- Patience my friends, it does no good to get worked up over something you have no control over.
- Worrying is a waste of imagination and energy.
- When in doubt: pray or step away from the noise of your life. Take a long quiet walk, ask for answers.
Diseases can be our spiritual flat tires – disruptions in our lives that seem to be disasters at the time but end by redirecting our lives in a meaningful way.” Bernie Seagal
Fabulously yours, Dianna Bowes