International Women's Day 2022
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International Women's Day 2022

International Women's Day 2022
Joanne Neweduk 1423

International Women's Day 2022

Beak the Bias

Over a century ago, women took to the streets, in righteous indignation, demanding peace and bread. They were tired of war and lack of food for their children.

Sadly, women all over the world still face this plight.   Collectively our hearts ache for those facing oppression and hardship.

The difference now, is that we have a larger say. Women from around the world are standing up and being part of the solution.

Women are fighting back AND fighting for.   We HAVE come along way, but there are still bridges to cross, ceilings to smash and biases to break…Recognition to claim!

The world needs gender equality for a sustainable future.

International Women’s Day, is observed annually around the world on March 8. 

It celebrates the global “social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women,” according to the International Women’s Day website.

"Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes and discrimination. A world that's diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality."

"Collectively we can all #BreaktheBias”

My wish for you today…
May you know your value and richly share it with the world.   





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