Entertaining the Dream
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Entertaining the Dream

Entertaining the Dream
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Entertaining the Dream

Do you have a dream? A dream to travel the world or become filthy rich? On October 13th, there were  a group of women whose dream was to perform. They entered the “Entertaining the Dream” Talent Search & Cake Auction for Baby Boomer Women.

Lee CardwellWe had several singers, standup comics and a Blond Ata2ud Dance Duo playing the sassy sister routine and stirring up the energy in the room. Lee Cardwell, a standup comic, was chosen with an audience raffle, but every one of those ladies was a winner, just by being there and giving their hearts to us. The stories they told through song, dance or comedy held the audience and inspired all of us.

Women Supporting Women

Yes, this is a talent search, but it is about supporting women to follow their dreams, whether it be performing on stage or making a better life for themselves by becoming healthy individuals. The Edmonton Dream Centre has held a special place in my heart, not only because I came from a home where addiction haunted so many of my family members, but because Dorine Kielly the Public Relations Director at The Edmonton Dream Centre was one of my performers in my 2012 event. We hatched the idea for this event earlier this year and the idea took on a life of it’s own.

As well as the performances we had local business, the mayor, local home bakers and local bakeries donate beautiful cakes to raffle off. One was so amazing that we auctioned it off for $2,000. Lifecycle Design Group donated the cake, and Melissa Beauprez designed the cake. The cake actually had a gem in it, which make the cake quite valuable and very beautiful.

Donations were also given for the beautiful mystery gifts on every table, that were raffled off.

Organizing an event like this has many elements, attracting performers, sponsors, cakes, judges, but the most important part is the team that came together to plan this event. I can’t thank them enough for the time and heart they put in to this event.

Brynda Roche, Sharon Pandza, Danette Eraut, Susan Drover, Hitomi Suzota, and Charlene Bishop, you girls rock!

Also a big shout out to the amazing staff at the Sawmill Conference & Banquet Centre. The venue was perfect and food was unbelievable. All the guests were raving over the quality of food and service.

Our judges Rhea March, Susan Janzen, and Rhonda Withnell, gave every performer wonderful feedback and even when the music didn’t play for one of them, they sang along with encouragement. Wow! Powerful moments. The evening ended on a high note, with a concert by Martin Kerr.  Martin generously offered a free house concert to be auctioned off , so we did another auction. I gave my husband a big nudge and we are now planning a house concert in the next few months.Yippee!!

Another event with a big purple bow on it.  

Dare to dream, if not now…when?

Dianna Bowes Fabulous@50 Founder - CEO, Creative Director

2015 Winner of Stevie Award - Bronze - Female Entrepreneur of the Year in Canada
2014 Business Leaders of Tomorrow Award
2014 Winner of Stevie Award - Gold - Best Event - Bronze - Women Helping Women
2011 YWCA Women with Distinction - Turning Point Category  





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