Changing Your World With The Courage To Care
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Changing Your World With The Courage To Care

Changing Your World With The Courage To Care
Joanne Neweduk 255

Changing Your World With The Courage To Care

Conversations & Connection FabSOUL Circle Members Meeting - May 14

Event date: 5/14/2024 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM Export event

Start: 7pm MT / 9pm ET  

Cynthia Hamilton Urquhart will be our guest speaker for next week’s FabSOUL Circle Membership gathering on Tuesday, May 14 at 7 PM.

This call is open to anyone within our community. Message Joanne for a guest pass.

After her signature talk, we will launch into a conversation around the same topic.

We are so proud of our efforts in learning public speaking. She recently qualified as a top eight contender out of a class of 38 for a showcase presentations. And now she very kindly is sharing her message with us.
Cynthia is a retired RCMP officer and now devotes her time to advocating and educating, first responders and the issues of PTSD whom so many suffer from. 




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